
At Royston St John Baptist CE Primary, we believe in the great value of learning about history and historic events. In order to understand why events happen in the world today, we first need to understand what impact the past has had on our way of living and how it has influenced the way we see and interact with the world around us. We seek to instil this in the children we teach. History is so much more than specific dates and knowing how many wives Henry VIII had (although these key facts are obviously still important!). It is about understanding how and why societies prosper and fall, what impact key events had on everyday people and how we can learn from the great successes, and failures, of the past.

Fundamentally, at its most basic level, history is about everyday people just like us. Giving children a viewpoint into the past enables them to see and most importantly, understand why events happened and what impact they have had on our lives today.

We hope that we can instil a lifelong love of History and all its wonders into the children that we teach through our fantastic History Curriculum.


‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history.’

Martin Luther King Jr.  

Curriculum Documentation

Subject on a page - History

History Overview

EYFS Learning in History Overview

History Sequence of Learning Document

Golden Thread Coverage Outline

History Curriculum Road Map - Reading

History Learning Journey Map

Blog Posts

Ancient Greek Day

Ancient Greek Day

Year 5 went back in time to the year 700 BC to be Ancient Greeks for the day. We had a fantastic day, with lots of fun and new learning. The day started out listening to stories about the beginning of the Ancient Greeks and some of their Gods and Goddesses, followed...

Time Line…

Time Line…

Year 3 created a timeline of events from the start of the Stone Age to the present day on the school playground and field in History. They discovered that even with all the space we have, we could not reach the start of the Stone Age in the space we had!

The Blitz in Britain…

The Blitz in Britain…

We have been looking at the impact of the Blitz on Britain during WW2. Year 6 have  independently researched the subject and created their own double page spreads to display their research. [gallery type="thumbnails" columns="1" size="full"...

A walk through history.

A walk through history.

  As part of our Learning Journey, we explored the timeline of the Earth from the very start of the Stone Age. In one of the pictures you can just about see the very start of the Stone Age next to the school fence on the field! [gallery type="rectangular"...