If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about Royston St John Baptist Primary
School please get in touch.
Acting Headteacher- Ms R Steele
Royston St John Baptist Church of England Primary School
Vicarage Lane,
Barnsley S71 4QY
Vicarage Lane,
Barnsley S71 4QY
Tel:01226 722011
We welcome your feedback and enquiries. Please contact us using the email roystonstjohn@smat.org.uk
For general enquiries please contact the school administration officer Mrs C Mcfarlane on the above telephone number.
For SEND enquiries please contact school SENDco, Mrs C Brook on the above telephone number or email enquiries to the above email address.
If you require paper copies of any information on our school website please contact the school office.
Parents/carers have given permission for children’s photographs to be used on this website. Please be respectful if sharing posts containing photographs
Royston St John Baptist Church of England Primary School is part of St Marys Academy Trust.