
Royston St John’s approach to the teaching of reading.
The LIRA approach takes place in years 2 to 6 where we recognise that fluent reading supports reading comprehension. The sessions are built around Literal, Inference, Readers’ Response and Authors Intent questions. We know that when pupils read fluently, their cognitive resources can be redirected from focusing on decoding and onto comprehending the text. For this reason, fluency is sometimes described as a bridge from word recognition to comprehension. 
Through this approach pupils are supported to develop the skills needed to read fluently for understanding to be able to answer a range of question types. High quality texts are utilised effectively with a focus on exposing pupils to a broad range of authors and developing vocabulary.

Reading Fluency



Reading Spines









Reading Blankets









Reading blog

Stick Man…

Stick Man…

Reception class created their own stickman family and helped them find their family tree today as the explored the outdoor area. They then snuggled up inside to hear Miss Hines read the story of the Stick Man. [gallery type="rectangular"...

Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Inspired by the amazing Katherine Johnson and her inspirational story in Collective Worship today. Year Five had an amazing insight into today’s book from their work in science last half term.

Partner work in reading

Partner work in reading

Brilliant partner work in reading this morning in Year Two helping to build up fluency in reading. Well done Year Two.

Love of reading

Love of reading

Today, we took our out into the community to read to the residents of West Meads. The children represented school so wonderfully and read their favourite books with great passion. So proud of our community links.

Our buddy system

Our buddy system

Our buddy system is a huge part of helping children to settle in at school and providing those positive role models around school. Today, Year Six read their favourite stories to their buddies which was a delight. A huge thank you to Year Six for taking great care of...

Elmer workshop…

Elmer workshop…

Our parents and carers in Foundation Stage joined us for a workshop linked to the Elmer book. The children shared their vocabulary routines and listened to the story. They then created a wonderful picture of Elmer to keep. Thank you to everyone who attended we had a...

A trip to the library

A trip to the library

Year Two took a trip to the library today to see what books they had and to meet the friendly staff. They got to explore all the different sections and go on a scavenger hunt too. The librarians said our pupils showed exemplary behaviour. We really hope we have...

Reading and reviewing

Reading and reviewing

Year Four have been reading and reviewing each others work and giving feedback to each other. Peer reviewing opportunities are embedded into all our routines to support and develop children's skills.

A huge thank you…

A huge thank you…

…to the parents who attended our Reception Class phonics workshop today with Miss Hines. They took away lots of resources and tools to help them support their child at home. They even took part in a Read Write Inc lesson with their children. We will be running a craft...

Meet our Libarians.

Meet our Libarians.

These girls showed their passion for reading by applying to be the school librarians for this academic year! They will be motivating others to read, sharing their passion for reading and ensuring our wonderful library is in full working order. Well done!

Thank you to Year Three

Thank you to Year Three

…for being the Reception Class Reading Buddies this week! The pupils shared their favourite stories and read so beautifully to our youngest pupils.



Oracy is key and a big priority in school this year. Year Four have been reading and sharing their work on settings with the class as we strive to practise our public speaking.  

Quiet reading

Quiet reading

Year Two are soaking up the last bits of summer as they enjoyed some quiet reading time in our beautiful grounds.  

Books, books and more books! 

Books, books and more books! 

Our beautifully curated reading areas look amazing! This year we are embracing everything reading and looking to promote reading at our wonderful school. Please talk to your child about what reading book they would like to read next by looking at our reading spines or...

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

Year 1 have really enjoyed reading their class story Little Red Riding Hood this half term. The children became actors and actresses to re-tell the story and we even had a visit from Little Red Riding Hood, we had a very excited class! [gallery type="rectangular"...

During our mini beast topic…

During our mini beast topic…

...we have read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, moved around our outdoor area like butterflies and created artwork in the style of Matisse's The Snail. We have also been patiently waiting for our class caterpillars to complete their transformation into...