Reading Fluency

Reading Spines







Reading Blankets







Reading blog
Little Red Riding Hood
Year 1 have really enjoyed reading their class story Little Red Riding Hood this half term. The children became actors and actresses to re-tell the story and we even had a visit from Little Red Riding Hood, we had a very excited class! [gallery type="rectangular"...
During our mini beast topic…
...we have read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, moved around our outdoor area like butterflies and created artwork in the style of Matisse's The Snail. We have also been patiently waiting for our class caterpillars to complete their transformation into...
Reading Jar Winners
This half terms reading winners are from Reception and Year 3! They chose books to keep with Ms Steele based on their interests. Keep up the reading Royston St Johns. We are a very proud school.
Today we took part in an author chat with M.G. Leonard.
Year Six have loved reading her new series of books this year so we're thrilled to take part in this session with such an inspirational author.
Foundation Stage children Dressed up for Word day
Foundation stage loved dressing up as our favourite characters for world book day 2022
Year Six do World Book Day!
We had a great day celebrating our love of books today as we took part in World Book Day. Year Six love to read so taking part in this special was a must! Lots of 'book talk', lots of reading and lots of excitement. [gallery type="rectangular"...
Today was World Book Day!
We had the best time celebrating our love of books and sharing in lots of exciting activities through the day. We took part in a parade to share our costumes and shared our favourite books with our Reading...
Reading Buddies…
Our Reading Buddies have started again and we have had great fun getting to know the core readers from Reception class.
More mystery readers have been hidden on the shelves. Our librarians work so hard to keep the library an exciting place for all the children.
Reading is so powerful for so many reasons…
This young man’s love of Marcus Rashford has helped him read new books that he loves to share with Year Six. #thepowerofreading
Our super Year Ones are making so much progress with their phonics…
Lots of enthusiasm and dedication is shown every day from these six superstars.
Meet our latest reading jar winners! So much excitement around our half termly reading draw.
Remember keep reading at home- it could be you!
We love a book delivery at Royston St Johns!
Our librarians have been hard at work organising our new additions to the library as we promote the texts of the featured authors in KS2. All classes will have an author meet and greet this half term on Zoom.
We had a visit from a local author this week…
…to share his new book- ‘Winter Mouse’. He told us what it’s like to follow your dreams and what been an author involves. We also got to hear a section of ‘Christmas Mouse’ read by Robert Cloudy himself. #inspired [gallery type="rectangular"...
We absolutely love ‘Book Talk’ in Year Six.
Here is our latest author we are in love with- Maria Kuzniar. She even replied to us on Twitter!
Year Two Reading Super Stars
Our Year Two Reading Super Stars received special medals today for lots of home reading! We are so proud with how hard they are working at school and at home.
Ms Steele popped into Year Two and saw this wonderful moment!
Reading truly is at the heart of Royston St John’s in every class in school.
Let’s talk reading…
Great book talk today from Year Six. Lots of books discussed that pupils feel are must reads in Year Six.