Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

My name is Mrs Race, and I am the Year Two teacher, Mrs Wilkinson is the teaching assistant and will be working with individuals and groups of children throughout the year. Mr Hague will also be teaching some of our lessons including Music and P.E.

The children will be doing PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit and is wearing trainers on these days. For health and safety reasons your child should not wear jewellery on these days, especially earrings.

In class 2 we love to read! Reading with your child as often as possible is extremely beneficial, around 5- 10 minutes every day. Your child will have the opportunity to change their book regularly. When they have read to you, please sign the yellow reading record book so that your child can be moved up on our Reading Rocket and entered into the weekly raffle. They will also have the chance to earn stickers, certificates and prizes.


Your child will be sent home with a list of spellings relating to our current spelling rule. The list will be sent home on Friday and the children will be tested the following Friday. Please encourage your child to practice them at home as much as possible.

To help your child with their times table practice, they have access to Times Table Rock Stars. If you need any help with this, or require your child’s login details, please ask. Each week, a child will be chosen to be celebrated in our celebration assembly on Friday.  

Rewards in class 2!
We have lots of rewards in class 2 to praise fantastic behaviour! Children can earn certificates, house points and stickers.

If you have any questions about this year, then please do not hesitate to ask the Year 2 Team, we are more than happy to help on any matter big or small!


The Year Two Team


Nativity RSJB 2021

Our Christmas with the Aliens nativity brought a tear to many parents’ eyes. We hope you enjoy this amazing production from Years 1 and 2. Really well done everybody, a superb and unique retelling of the most beautiful story....

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